Must-Try Austria Christmas Market Food


The best Austrian Christmas Market Food and Drink


One of the best things to do at an Austrian Christmas Market is to try traditional Advent Christmas Market Food and Drink.

I am going to be honest.  I go yearly to the Christmas Markets. I will buy some Christmas presents at the Christmas Markets, but the real reason that I go to the Christmas Markets is to enjoy all the traditional Advent Food and Drinks. Here is a list of the best Austria Winter Cuisine that you will find at every Christmas Market and traditional Austrian Restaurants.

Here are the Wanderlustria 16 Top Foods that you must eat at an Austrian Christmas Market

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1.    Glühwein and Punsch

It is cold outside, and hopefully, it will snow. The best way to warm up is a steaming mug of Glühwein, Christmas Punsch, or Hot Chocolate.  

Glühwein is hot mulled red (rot) or white (weiß). The wine is warmed and spiced with cinnamon sticks, cloves, star aniseed, orange, sugar and sometimes vanilla pods.

Punsch There are various types of punch that typically combine rum, vodka and/or brandy and fruit. You will find punch variations such as apple, orange, raspberry, strawberry, wildberry  mango, etc
The French aperitif  Lillet has been popular as a punch in recent years.

Ask for the Kinder Punsch if you want the non-alcoholic version   

Turbo Punsch: It is what it says -Turbo on the alcohol content—a punch spiked with more rum or another liquor.

Hot Chocolate is served with or without a huge dollop of Fresh Whipped Cream (in German, called Sahne or Schlagobers). You can also get alcoholic Hot Chocolatewith Rum.

Non-alcoholic: Each punch stand also serves non-alcoholic punches. Just ask for the Kinderpunsch (Children’s Punch) or alkoholfrei (alcohol free).

*Christmas Market Mugs*  You purchase a warm drink (5-8 € depending) and pay an additional 4-5€ deposit for the mug.
You can return the mug to reclaim your deposit or keep the mug as a souvenir.

Main Dishes you will find at Austria Christmas Markets

2. Ofen Kartoffel (Baked Potato)

A Baked Potato filled with various fillings such as cheese, sour cream, bacon, ham, corn etc. 

Ofen Kartoffel is really a Christmas Market Speciality as it is the only time in the year that you can buy Baked Potatoes.

My favourite Ofen Kartoffel Stand is at the Dom and Residenzplatz Christmas Market in Salzburg.

3. Germknödel

It’s one of my favourite Austrian meals. It is a desert  that most Austrians tend to eat at lunch as a main course.

Germknödel is a typical Alpine treat served in every mountain alm and Christmas Market. It is a warm steamed bun filled with plum jam (powder), dusted with powdered sugar and poppy seeds (mohn), and floating in vanilla sauce or melted butter.  What better way to warm you up after walking around Christmas Markets or skiing.

4. Kaiserschmarrn

Another Austria dessert that can be a main course. Kaiserschmarrn is a sweet chopped-up “pancake”, that is dusted in powdered sugar and served with applesauce or fruit compote. It was Emperor Franz Josef’s favourite and found at every Christmas Market.

5. Goulasch

A popular and hearty and flavorful stew. It is made with a combination of beef, onions, peppers, and tomatoes andseasoned with a blend of paprika and caraway seeds. At Christmas Markets you will find Goulash soup served in a bread bowl. Gulasch is typically served with dumplings (Knödel) in restaurants.

Baked Potatoes 

Germ Knödel



6. Soup

Pumpkin (Kurbis), Garlic (Knoblach), and Goulash soup are served in a bread bowl. The secret is to start eating the soup and slowly tear the bread bowl, dipping it in the soup. My favourite Soup stands are at the Vienna Stephensdom, Schönbrunn Christmas Market and Salzburg Dom Christmas Market.

7. Gröstl

Another potato dish. Gröstl is a hearty and flavorful potato dish popular in the mountain regions. It consists of fried potatoes, onions, and bits of cooked meat, such as beef or pork. Just what you need to give you a burst of energy.

8. Käsepätzle or Käsnock

A typical Alpine speciality, the far superior Austrian mac and cheese. Käsespätzle is made with Burgkase (a typical sharp cheese from the mountains) and topped with fried, crispy onions.  Salivating just thinking about it.

9. Knödel

There are many different types of Knödel (dumplings), and they are very popular in Austria. Austria’s most well-known type of knödel is probably Semmelknödel, made from bread crumbs and served with Goulash.  Frleischknödel (dumplings with meat filling) and  Kartoffelknödel is a potato dumpling are served with sauerkraut.

A Marillenknödel is a sweet dumpling filled with apricot jam.

Pumpkin (Kurbis) Soup



Spinat (Spinach) Knödel with Butter Sauce

Snacks you will find at Austria Christmas Markets

10. Langos

Langos originated in Hungary, It is a freshly fried flat, yeast dough pastry smeared with garlic butter and salt.  A Langos is one of the first thing I eat at Christmas Markets. 

11. Käsekrainer 

A traditional thick sausage filled with small chunks of cheese and typically served with hot mustard (Scharf Senf) with a piece of bread or Semmeln (bread roll) at every Würstlestand (sausage stand).   Most Würstlestande cut up Käsekrainer before serving, as one too many Käsekrainers have expelled hot cheese on unsuspecting diners.


Grated potato pancakes (like a hashbrown) coated in garlic and topped with cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc.


Roasted potato wedges. Generally found along with….

14. Maroni (roasted chestnuts)

15. Krapfen

A soft and fluffy “doughnut” filled with apricot marmalade or a chocolate/vanilla creme sprinkled with powdered sugar. They are most popular around the Fasching carnival season (Nov 11 to Ash Wednesday).

16. Lebkuchen and other sweets  

Every Christmas Market has at least one hut selling Lebküchen Hearts. A Gingerbread-like biscuit decorated with messages on the icing.  There is also chocolate and chocolate-covered fruits, pastries, cookies and every imaginable sweet.


Kartoffelpuffer- Bratkartoffeln & Maroni



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